The ANME, in partnership with UNDP, the EU, and UTICA, in collaboration with MEDENER, RCREEE, and TuniCREEE, and with the participation of national, regional, and international organizations, is organizing a Mediterranean Forum on Decarbonization and Energy Transition Policies on September 24th and 25th, 2024, in Tunis. This regional event will serve as a platform to present and discuss operational mechanisms for decarbonizing the economy and businesses, such as technology transfer, service provision, and access to finance...
This event will also be an opportunity to showcase the decarbonization ecosystem at the international, Mediterranean, and national levels, focusing on innovative and effective solutions aimed at implementing a decarbonization approach towards carbon neutrality. This Forum will be a timely gathering of policymakers, experts, and specialists to discuss and take concerted action in favor of low-carbon strategies and the fight against climate change (read more, link to the Forum's concept note).
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